Employment contracts & policies

The Employment Act 1955 (EA) sets out mandatory terms and conditions of employment for all employees.

Employment contracts are usually documented in writing, but verbal contracts are valid. The EA requires contracts of service for a fixed term exceeding 1 month, or for the performance of a specified piece of work where the time reasonably required for the completion of the work exceeds or may exceed 1 month, to be in writing. Additionally, the EA requires every written contract of service to include a clause setting out the manner in which the contract may be terminated by either party.

Probationary periods

Probationary periods are not regulated, and it is common for probationary periods of 1-6 months to be imposed. However, probationers are generally entitled to similar security of tenure as full-time permanent employees, and the non-confirmation of employment during or at the end of the probationary period must be with just cause.


No mandatory policy requirements. Depending on the nature of the employer's business, recommended policies include health and safety, whistleblowing, or detailed grievance or harassment reporting policies.

Third-party approval

No requirement to lodge employment contract or policies with or get approval from any third party.

Last modified 11 Apr 2023

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