Individuals struggling with mental illness often have co-occurring substance use disorders. Estimated rates of substance use disorders include:
- 2% of the general public35
- 15% of people with anxiety36
- 20% of people with depression37
- 7% of people with any mental illness38
- People treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have been found to be 12 and 20 times more likely to be treated for alcohol abuse, and 35 and 42 times more likely to be dependent on illegal drugs.39
The “War on Drugs” initiated in 1971 accompanied a policy shift toward more punitive sentencing practices in the United States, including reduced tolerance toward the use and sale of illegal substances. These policies dramatically increased the population of drug offenders in carceral settings.
- “Three-strikes laws” mandated life imprisonment for third felony offences, including drug offences.
- Mandatory minimum sentences, stripped judges of much of their discretion on how to sentence drug users.
- Incarceration rates across all populations rose sharply after the inception of the war on drugs.40
- In 1950, the US incarceration rate was 175 per 100,000 residents41
- 1985: 312 per 100,000
- 2005: 743 per 100,000
- 2009: 749 per 100,00042
- In 2011, approximately 2,300,000 individuals were incarcerated in the United State, a higher incarceration than any other nation.43
- The existence of a criminal record may influence subsequent interactions with the police, reinforcing a tendency to choose the criminal justice system over the mental health system.45
- A criminal record may also weigh negatively in court, where a long “criminal” history of minor violations is likely to influence further jail sentencing, even when directly related to poorly-controlled mental illness.46
Is incarceration pathogenic?
Some have considered whether the conditions of incarceration in the United State themselves generate mental illness.47
- Prison conditions such as crowded living quarters, lack of privacy, increased risk of victimization, and exposure to punitive segregation are strongly correlated with emerging and worsening psychiatric symptoms (including self-harm).48
- In 2015, 18 states and the Bureau of Prisons met or exceeded standards for overcrowding.
- In 2015, 26 states and the Bureau of Prisons met or exceeded their minimum number of beds.49
- Disorders likely to deteriorate during incarceration include major depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and psychosis.50
- Incarceration more than doubles the odds of 12-month dysthymia.51
- Incarceration increases the odds of 12-month major depression by nearly 50%.52
- In prison as in the wider community, psychiatric symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from aggressive or deviant behavior, resulting in further punishment. This pattern is enhanced by the limited treatment options available in incarceration settings.
- Prison inmates with mental illness commit from 1.5 to 5 times as many infractions as other inmates.53
- A national survey found that among state prisoners, 24% of those with a mental health disorder had been charged with physically or verbally assaulting correctional staff or other inmates, compared to 10.4% of those without a mental health disorder.54
- The same survey found that 58% of those with a psychiatric disorder had been charged with rule violations of some stripe, compared to 43% of non-disordered inmates.55
- Those who were “acutely mentally ill” made up 6% of the jail population, but were involved in 16% of misconduct incidents.57
Mental Health and Punitive Segregation (Solitary Confinement)
- It is estimated that 100,000 prisoners in the United States are being held in solitary confinement at any given time.58
- Inmates diagnosed with mental illness are disproportionately represented in the isolation units.59
- Punitive segregation has serious short-term and long-term repercussions on mental health.60
- Protracted isolation, inactivity, and lack of mental health treatment within isolation units can exacerbate symptoms or provoke recurrence.61
- Symptoms can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis, often tending toward further infraction of rules.62
- Suicides occur disproportionately more often in segregation units than elsewhere in prison.63
- In New York, suicide rates are 5 times as high among prisoners in solitary confinement as among those in the general prison population.64
Treatment in Carceral Settings
American correctional systems have been roundly criticized for failing to provide even minimally appropriate mental health services for prison inmates.65
- Some of this failure may be due to the rapid group of incarceration rates in the United States, which have strained the capacity of jails and prisons to respond to the health needs of inmates.66