Business Niche
Creating a business plan involves making some decisions upfront. This means choosing a niche. By doing so, you'll be deciding the type of recruitment agency to start and the industry to serve.
Observing Competitors
Observe how your competitors' work provides an excellent opportunity and how its recruitment process works.
Gathering Experience
Starting a recruitment agency requires the experience that a recruiter uses to find the perfect match for a company's needs. Examples of what you need to know include:
To acquire the type of experience necessary to operate a recruitment agency, it's recommended that you register with a reputable recruitment agency to experience, firsthand, some basic training in how an agency operates.
Building Skills
Keep in mind that part of a recruiter's job is testing the skills of potential candidates for jobs. So, your own skill level must be up to the task. It's equally important that you're able to recognize someone with potential even though they may not possess a lot of experience. You also need the insight to place the right person in the right position.
Evaluating Start-Up Costs
A recruitment agency isn't a cheap business venture to initially get started. You'll need a checklist of all things needed and the cost of each item. Things to include are staff payroll, marketing, insurance, and basic business expenses.
Researching Recruitment Laws
Study and become familiar with the recruitment laws in your state to ensure you aren't in violation. Each has guidelines that may include requirements for specific industries.
Obtain a Business License
Check with your local city and county office as well as the state to find out if or what type of business license is required to operate a recruitment agency. Obtain the license prior to opening for business.
Research Employment Laws
Laws guiding the rules of employment in each state are also in effect and something you must become familiar with. Examples include laws against discrimination and equal opportunity employment.
Business Location
Select a business location that's visible and easily accessible for clients and job applicants.
Register With Recruiters
Register with other companies as a recruiter. This is a way to bring in business should a company need to fill a position and contact you to fill the position.
Create a Marketing Plan
Create a marketing plan that outlines your business and its services. Make a list of businesses to contact and send a letter of introduction letting owners/managers of these businesses know about your company and what it has to offer. Also, follow up on each letter. Take advantage of the internet and newspapers by placing ads to highlight your business.
Create a Business Website
In today's fast-paced world, having a website is the standard operating procedure. A website is a gateway to advertising job vacancies. It's also a way for potential job seekers to provide resumes and conduct online interviews.
Hire Support Staff
A recruitment agency requires lots of paperwork, and you'll need to hire qualified staff to help with the tasks. This means bringing staff on board who have previous recruitment experience.
Contact insurance companies about purchasing liability insurance for your business.
Business Bank Account
Open a business account that's separate from your personal account for accepting payments for services from clients.
Equipment Necessary for a Recruiting Agency
The office space should include a reception area for greeting applicants and receiving applications. There should also be a conference room where you can conduct interviews. Necessary equipment includes:
On average, a recruitment consultant has the potential to earn between $65,000 and $75,000 annually. Charges for placing a candidate can range between 14 and 20 percent. Charges for your services may be based on a percentage of the candidate's first annual salary. The other option is charging a flat fee to the company you're recruiting for.
If you need help with a sample recruitment business plan, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.